Guide for Authors

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Manuscript Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be original contributions not under consideration with any other publication at the same time.
  • Articles submitted are subject to a blind review process by two reviewers. The identity of the authors and reviewers remains confidential during the review process. All reviews will be anonymously shared with both authors and reviewers.
  • Front page of research paper should include the following data:
  • Title of Research.
  • Researcher affiliation (the faculty and department the researcher belongs to).
  • Academic degree (prof, associated professor, lecturer, etc.….).


  • Research paper should include two abstracts (Arabic and English) with no more than 200 words for each.
  • Font size:
  • Research title: 16 bold
  • Headings: 14 bold
  • Text: 13
  • Font type: Times New Roman (for English manuscripts)-Arabic Transparent (for Arabic manuscripts).
  • Line Space: Single spaced.
  • Paper size: A4   17.5 cm*25 cm
  • Margins: 
  • Top = 2.45 cm
  • Bottom = 2.54 cm
  • Left = 3.18 cm
  • Right = 3.18 cm
  • Citation styles: the journal only acceptsHarvard citation style.
  • How to cite different source types
    • Books:

Surname, initials-(year of publication)-Title-Edition-Publisher-Place of publication.


Abbott, A. (1988), System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor , University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.


  • Journal articles: 

Surname, A.N.-(year of publication)-"Article title"-Journal Title-Volume number, Issue number (if it exists)-Article page numbers.


Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, pp. 1173-82.


  • All manuscripts are submitted to the Editorial Board through the following e-mail: