Improving the quality of Services in Burj Alarab Airport According to the Skytrax Requirements

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


The importance of airport service quality is due to the fact that the airport industry is primarily dependent on the passenger and his/her satisfaction with the service provided. Therefore, administrations and airport operators should pay much attention to the quality of service at airports and follow the latest standards focusing on improving everything that interests the customer. They should provide distinctive services, and offer products that attract customers of different ages and nationalities. A customer is always seeking for services that are commensurate with his needs and desires; services that are greater than what s/he spent. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to follow the standards of accuracy and modernity as well as all the services and procedures involved in all activities at the airport. Since this study deals with the criteria relating to the quality of service at airports as well as Skytrax standards of improving the quality of service at airports, Borj Al-Arab International Airport has been chosen for the application of those standards. Moreover, the study presents some proposals aiming to improve the service quality provided at the airport.   Therefore, this study focuses on the importance of service quality in airports in general, and the criteria of airports service quality, focusing, in particular, on the standards and requirements of Skytrax and their application to Borj Al-Arab International airport. The study ends with some findings, recommendations and suggestions that can contribute to improving the quality of service provided at the airport.
