The Presence of Gods and Goddess in People's Life in Greco-Roman Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Management, Helwan University


The different circumstances that people faced in Greco-Roman Egypt, made them refuge to gods as they believed that their fortune was depended on the divine will. The presence of gods was appeared in domestic sphere, in objects used to perform religious rites, religious statues, and figurines used for fertility, in private letters and manuscripts as oxyrhynchus papyri. It was very common to mention gods in letters, regardless the purpose of it. People used to ask the protection of gods and pray for gaining their blessing. On other hand in case of any crisis people refuged to gods to solve it.  Material evidence indicates that each household constructed its own collection of deities to worship, depending on its specific requirements. Many gods were connected to the domestic life; as Aphrodite goddess of love, god Bes who linked with domestic protection, maternity. Asklepius, Imhotep and Amenhotep who were gods of curing. God Zeus who was responsible for justice, Heron the warrior god, Harpocrates the patron deity of childhood. This thesis tries to recognize how people made a connection with gods in their daily life; it explores different popular gods connected to domestic life.
