The Greatest Desert Journey of Hassanein Bey (1922- 1923)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt

2 College of Society, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, KSA, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt

3 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt


Hassanein Bey is the first Egyptian explorer cross the Libyan desert, and recorded a great scientific observations, so after his returning from the desert In August 1923 the Egyptian elite held a grand celebration and reception in Alexandria in attendance of princes, ministers, senior officials and prominent men of letters. Also when he arrived Cairo the King attended the other celebration was in the traditional European at the Opera House and he conferred on him the title of bey. And  he given the highest recommendation from the Egyptian desert survey and the founder gold medal from the Royal Geographical Society. Hassanein Bey  was fond of exploring the desert, and made many important excavations there, so he deserved to get like this great honour from the king and the international associations. He could note the scientific benefits of his expedition including exploring two oases Arkenu and Uwaynat adding that he had pinpointed precisely the Geographical location of every area through which he had passed, also he draw a detailed map of Egypt’s western desert .So This article discusses the role of him in Egyptian life, and how he was opened the gate to rediscover the Egyptian desert to support the Egyptian Tourism Movement.
