Exploring Hassanein Bey for Western Desert and the Arrival for Kufra oasis: (November 1920 - January 1921)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt

2 College of Society, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, KSA, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt

3 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt


Ahmed Hassanein Bey (1880 – 1946 ) was the last of the great desert explorers, and He was one of the most influential figures in Egypt who hold all the decision makers in Egypt beginning with high ranks of chief of the Iwan and chamberlain to king Farouk. He travelled extensively in the western desert in 1921 and 1923, rediscovered two lost oases in Egypt extreme southwest, and also noted that any story of the Libyan Desert would not be completed without some consideration of the Senussis, the most important influence in the region. This journey of Hassanein Bey as an almost unique achievement in the annals of Geographic exploration. Via this journey he could to shed light on the Bedouin life beside the topographic of the western desert oases especially Kufra oasis, using his knowledge of the desert , the desert people and their language , understood the protocol . He could check the observations of the German explorer Rohlfs and place Kufra oasis on the map correctly.   
