Studying ISO 9001 Quality Standard Application at Hotel Technical Education Institutions in Alexandria: Administrative Personnel Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hotel Studies Dep., Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City

2 Hotel Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


Businesses have revolutionized their practices in the pursuit to provide distinguished products or services capable of competing and attracting beneficiaries and customers. In this context, there is a need for a qualitative leap in education to raise the level of students and ultimately workers in the hotel industry and provide them with the necessary skills, scientific-based practices and training. This requires good management practices and the cooperation of administrative cadres. For the study, questionnaires were given to 38 administrative cadres in various departments, including managers and deputies from four (4) hotel technical institutes, namely; the Hotel Institute in Alexandria (EGOTH), the Hotel Technical Institute, the Maritime Hotel Center, and the hotel school with a five-year system, which represents (53.5%) of the total study population with (34) valid questionnaires returned -a rate (89.5%). The findings of the study note that implementing the ISO 9001 (2015) quality standard is welcomed by the administrative cadres, with a strong emphasis on the need of providing the necessary capacity, equipment and procedures to meet the requirements for the effective application of the standards.  It is also vital to raise -awareness to understand and be familiar with the idea of quality standardization and its importance.