Unpublished Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Statuette of "tʒ-ḫrt" (Egyptian Museum SR.6850)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer at the Department of Tourism Guidance at The Higher Institute for Qualitative Studies, Heliopolis, Egypt

2 Lecturer at the Department of Tourism Guidance at The Higher Institute for Specific Studies, Giza


Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statuettes are very common in Egyptian collections at museums around the world ([1]). These funerary statuettes were introduced towards the end of the Third Intermediate Period ([2]).  The production of these figures evolved during the Late Period. Several tombs of the Late Period elites are equipped with the funerary statuettes (usually from wood) representing Ptah-Sokar-Osiris ([3]). This funerary tradition extended until the Ptolemaic Period. The Egyptian museum houses many statuettes of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, one of which is the main concern of this paper. It is made out of painted limestone and dates back to the Late Period. It is on display at Room (22) at the second floor of the museum.

 ([1]) The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the Curators of the Egyptian Museum at Cairo for consent to publish objects from their collections.
For further reading on Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statues, see: M. Raven,  “Papyrus-Sheaths and Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Statues,” OMRO 59–60 (1978–79), 251–96; M. Raven, “Corn Mummies”, OMRO LXIII, 1982, p. 7-34; M. Raven, Symbols of Resurrection, Three Studies in Ancient Egyptian Iconography, Leiden, 1984; J. Lipińska-Boldok, “Some problems of the funerary figures of Egyptian god Ptah-Sokar-Osiris,” Bulletin du Musée national de Varsovie 2.3 (1961), 75–84; K. Bosse-Griffiths, “Problems with Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Figures” in: Amarna Studies, OBO 182 (Fribourg, 2001) 181–89; C. Ziegler, “Un Ptah-Sokar-Osiris au nom d'Ankhpakhered, fils de Nesmin” in: N. Grimal / A. Kamel / C.May Sheikholeslami, Hommages á Fayza Haikal, BdÉ 138 (Cairo, 2003), 315–324; J. Budka, “Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Statuetten aus Grab VII im Asasif” in: H. Satzinger/ M. Hasitzka / J.M. Diethart / G. Dembski (eds.), Das Alte Ägypten und seine Nachbarn. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Helmut Satzinger, Kremser Wissenschaftliche Reihe 3 (Krems, 2003) 32–42; G.First, “The Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Statuettes in the Cracow Collections” in: Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 13 (2009)119–36; H. I. Mahran, “Ptah-Sokar- Osiris Statuettes from The Mallawi Museum”, BACE 24, Sydney, 2013, p. 21-30.

([2]) Petrie dates it back to the New Kingdom burial customs of placing wooden statuette of Osiris in private burials. F. Petrie, The Funeral Furniture of Egypt, London, 1937, p. 28; for further reading on the earliest references to these statuettes, see Raven, OMRO 59–60, p. 253-254.

([3]) C. Graindorge, “Sokar”, in OE III, p. 306.
