The collection of ottoman clay tobacco pipes from Ismailia Museum Reserve in Egypt (Unpublished)

Document Type : Original Article


Tour Guidance Department (Islamic art & Archeology), Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Suez Canal University


Ismailia Museum is the regional museum in the city of Ismailia in Egypt. It was the first regional museum in Egypt, the museum was built by engineers working for the International Maritime Company (now the Suez Canal Authority) in 1911 AD [i]. It takes the form of a temple pylon and displays a variety of unique antiques discovered in the Suez Canal and Sinai region, in addition to a collection of artifacts from the different eras of Egypt's history, beginning with the Pharaonic era until the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha[ii]. The study aims to Shedd the light on the collections of the regional museums all over Egypt and the importance of these museums in spreading the magnificent history and culture and studying one of the tools of smoking tobacco that was widely used in the ottoman empire from the seventeenth century AD to the beginning of the nineteenth century AD and its various materials of manufacturing and different decorations.

[i] The official website of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiques;, 23/9/2021.

[ii]الوکيل (فایزة)، أدوات التدخين في مصر في عصر محمد علي، دراسة أثریة حضارية في ضوء مجموعة متحفي جاير.       اندرسون وقصر المنیل، مجلة کلیة الآثار، جامعة القاھرة، العدد السادس، ١٩٩٥م، ص ٤١٢.                                        
