The impact of promotive psychological ownership on innovative work behavior in five-star hotels

Document Type : Original Article


Hotel Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


This study seeks to explore the relationship between promotive psychological ownership (promotive PO) towards the hotel and the employee innovative work behavior (IWB) in Greater Cairo in Egypt. A simple random sample was chosen for this study. A questionnaire was designed to cover the assumed relationships. Self-administered questionnaire forms were distributed to 700 employees in 30 five-star hotels. Total forms 577 were received representing a response rate of 82.42 %. There were 157 forms not valid hence, they were excluded. So, 420 forms were valid for further analysis. Data were analyzed using the partial least square (PLS.3) technique. The findings of this study inferred a positive relationship between promotive PO and IWB. In addition, the findings indicated a positive impact between some dimensions of promotive PO (i.e., self-efficacy, accountability, responsibility, and autonomy) on IWB. Finally, the findings have profound important implications such as top management of five-star hotels should consider developing employees' feelings of promotive PO towards their hotels through specific policies and strategies through work designs that provide employees with opportunities to gain knowledge, control, independence in their hotels, providing employees with information and the ability to make decisions to enhance their sense of accountability and responsibility and contribute to a sense of burden-sharing and influence through delegation to stimulate employee’s IWB.
