Recruitment Methods at the Travel Agencies in Egypt: Risks and Costs

Document Type : Original Article


Director of the Tourism Sector in project of supporting the reform of vocational education and training, Ministry of Tourism and th Ministry of Education and Education


It’s understandable that the tourism sector is very unique in the sense that it has its very own characteristics and profile of its employees, besides to the scope of responsibilities they need to handle as well as how presentable they should be. This case is way more relevant in Egypt with the economic challenges facing the country from one side and the robust intention to improve the tourism sector on a national level as a potential provider for foreign currency to the national economy from the other side. Although this might seem at first sight as a threats-free opportunity, however, in reality, this is not the case. Looking into recruitment methods used by the travel agencies it became apparent the existence of some serious drawbacks whether in the process of recruitment or in the processes that follows. This paper aims at exploring the current recruitment mechanisms in the Egyptian travel agencies and studying the concepts underlying their selection criteria, their reactions towards new trends in the market in order to propose solutions to enhance labor force quality in travel agencies. Therefore, the research question of this paper can be stated as: How good are current recruitment mechanisms in Egyptian travel agencies and how far do they adapt to new technologies.
