Developing the Culture of Dealing with the Tourist in the Egyptian Tourism Destination

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


This study aimed to identify the conceptual issues concerning culture of dealing with tourists. So that, the study is very important because it illustrated the role of culture of dealing with tourists in improving Egypt’s image beside their role in achieving tourism progress and attracting tourists. This study depended on a questionnaire and, so the researcher designed a questionnaire and distributed it to academics in faculties of tourism and hotels, experts on Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Promotion Authority, tour guides and hotel workers. The results revealed that the absence of the culture of dealing with tourists among the local community leads to some negative behaviors displayed on dealing with tourists such as begging and excessive prices. They also agreed that the dissemination of the culture dealing with the tourist requires concerted community as a whole beginning of the family, the universities and schools, in addition to the various media of press, radio and television, as the respondents also agreed that the publication of the positive culture in dealing with tourists leads to a better image of the destination and repeat visit to Egypt.
