The Impact of Reputation Management on Achieving Competitive Advantage for Travel Agencies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Recourses Department, ESRI., University of Sadat City

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


The aim of this paper is to investigate and examine the role of reputation management on achieving competitive advantage. Reputation management and competitive advantage are two important research trends that have attracted much attention through the past few years. The highly turbulent business environment, increased public expectations, and pressure from different stakeholder groups have all contributed to the increased importance of examining and managing a travel agency’s reputation. Distinctive approaches to studies on reputation management exhibit differences in their definitions, units of analysis, and strategic implications; however, none of them can individually explain the whole concept of reputation management. This study seeks to assess the problem of stakeholder heterogeneous perceptions of corporate reputation and identifying key dimensions of supporting a high corporate reputation, look at the importance of stakeholders perceptions management, Also it will examine the impact of corporate reputation management on achieving competitive advantage.
