The Role of the overseer of Scouts Djari in the conflict of Theben and Herakleopolitan through rereading of two Stela during this era

Document Type : Original Article


High Institute for Tourism and Hotels in Alexandria (EGOTH)


This Paper is concerned the conflict era of the Thebes - Herkleopolis through studying two Steles of the overseer of Scouts Djari, from the eleventh dynasty cemetery of  El-Tarif  at Thebes. Two Stela , found in doorway of his tomb, one with deceased standing, in Cairo Mus.Ent.41437, the other with deceased and wife seated in Brussels,Mus.roy.E.4985. Two rectangular limestone tablets carved in a style whose crudeness seems at odds with Djari,s rank. These two stela of the XIth dynasty form an interesting addition to the very small number of steles, which have been preserved of this period. The hieroglyphs are coarse and rudely cut. The two stela illustrates the southern Egyptian relief style of the first intermediate period. The autobiographical text Speaks of a war waged by the Theban king Wahankh Intef II against the Herakleopolitans. Here we may note that two stela of Djari found together refer separately to his family position and his official position both allude to the Horus Wahankh Intef II. and we know from the two stela  that Djari protected the land as far north as Aphroditopolis, fifty miles north of Abydos.   
