The Role of the Faculties of Tourism and Hotels in Providing Students with Entrepreneurship Skills

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Tourism Studies, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


This study aims to assess the role of the faculties of tourism and hotels in providing students with the skills and characteristics of entrepreneurship from the point of view of the staff, and to highlight the role of these faculties play in developing the entrepreneurial culture of students. To achieve the objective of the study; the researchers distributed 200 survey forms electronically to a random sample of staff in the faculties of tourism and hotels in Egyptian governmental universities, while there were 126 forms valid to analyze. The results revealed the absence of a vision, mission and strategy that adopts a culture of entrepreneurship in the faculties of tourism and hotels in Egyptian universities, and the absence of a specialized structure in faculties for entrepreneurship that includes faculty members and businessmen. The results also showed the faculties leaders' lack of interest in motivating and encouraging innovative entrepreneurial students to perform initiatives, as well as their lack of interest in developing the spirit of entrepreneurship among students, and the failure to provide students with the opportunity to participate in entrepreneurial activities with businessmen.
