Evaluating the role of management by objectives in enhancing five-star hotel operations

Document Type : Original Article


Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Sadat City University


Hotel managers have always been challenged to produce objectives, but modern management must be in line with rapid technological and social change. Managers must be able to adapt to this rapid change to produce their objectives. The hotel managers need to anticipate change and have forward-looking objectives so that they may ultimately begin to make change occur when and where they want it to and, in that way, gain greater control of their environments and upgrade quality. The existing circumstance or current status is that some of those managers in the hospitality industry do not care or do not know how to plan effectively to motivate the entire team. Thus, the objectives are non-understandable and complicated, and the objectives are not in line with the hotel's policy. This leads to low quality of services because of the lack of clarity on future goals they must achieve. Reasons objectives might be included are meeting guest needs, and potential ways to increase productivity. Activities that support the objectives should be identified in the measurements, along with the specific objectives, dates, and other methods agreed upon as indicating progress. plans involved, goals, actual results, and variances should be noted.
