Identifying hotel employees' entitled rights in the light of employment protection legislation and corporate social responsibility

Document Type : Original Article


Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


In the hospitality industry, working conditions are pressurized with long working hours, low wages, absence of written labour contracts, lack of safety and security features in the workplace, and unfair dismissal. It is assumed that labour rights safeguard employees from unfair practices. Theoretically, there is a wide set of the labour rights as dedicated by Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Yet, the studies in the field of hotels’ employment rights failed to provide a valid multidimensional list of the hotels’ employees’ rights as dedicated by both EPL and CSR in the Egyptian context. This study aims to identify the entitled rights of hotels’ employees, in the light of EPL and CSR. A qualitative methodology (document analysis), was undertaken, in which the relevant documents (e.g., relevant laws…) were analyzed to extract and document the hotels’ employees’ rights. The study concluded that EPL and CSR are a roadmap for employees’ rights. A list of 121 items of hotels’ employees’ rights was extracted. These items were grouped under 17 dimensions, which in turn, were grouped under three main entitlement stages. Theoretical and practical contributions are provided.
