Reviving the Egyptian Heritage of Silver Handicraft

Document Type : Original Article


Tourism Guidance Department- Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Alexandria University


The manufacture of handicrafts went through several distinct periods of the Egyptian civilization. Since ancient times, Egypt has known about silver, which has gone through several episodes of scarcity. The origin of silver in Egypt is debatable, but the skill of Egyptian craftsmen in working with this unique metal is undeniable. The introduction of numerous counter-factors, such as the use of technology, import, and economic issues, damaged the craft even if silver continued to exist as a distinctive ingredient in the creation of traditional handicrafts. As a result, it no longer has the renowned position it did in earlier eras. The preservation of cultural assets and the promotion of sustainable cultural growth are being approached from new angles.
Based on the earliest historical and archaeological evidence, this study will examine the identity of silver as a manufacturing material in Egypt in terms of origin and existence. The combination of ancient and modern Egyptian cultural history through traditional silver handicrafts, a significant component of Egyptian legacy, is a powerful tool for advancing this sustainable manufacture both culturally and commercially.
