Tutankhamun’s Tomb Dispute: From its Discovery in 1922 until the Agreement of Early 1925

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Tourism Guidance-Faculty of Tourism and Hotels-University of Sadat City


The present study focuses on the difficulties of Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter with the press and the Egyptian Government in the period from Tutankhamun’s tomb discovery in November 1922 until the agreement of early 1925. This paper highlights the dispute between Lord Carnarvon and the press following his exclusive agreement with The Times. It also focuses on the dispute between Carter and the Egyptian Government in the 1923-1924 season and the suspension of the work in the tomb in February 1924. The dispute was settled amicably, and Carter was granted a new concession and the work was resumed in the tomb in early 1925, but under the Egyptian conditions regarding the ownership of the discovered artifacts and the distribution of news to the press.
