Efforts of the revolutionary government to encourage foreign investment to build the national economy during the period (1952-1956)

Document Type : Original Article


Tourism Guidance Department- Faculty of Tourism and Hotels-University of Sadat City


This research deals with the efforts of the revolutionary government to encourage investment to build the national economy in the period from 1952-1956، when the July Revolution of 1952 represented a major political change that caused the fear of many foreign investors in Egypt. Desiring to reassure foreign investors and foreign communities residing in Egypt. therefore the revolutionary government issued many statements confirming the strong protection of every foreigner residing in Egypt and that there is no danger to foreign nationals in Egypt and that those we do not want among us are the British occupation soldiers.
  Abstention of foreign investments from flowing into Egypt on the other hand. So laws that encourage investment were issued. The role of the state has also grown as a major investor to attempt rapid industrial development to replace imports and protect the local market from the products of the global market. Finally، this research ends with a conclusion of the most important results.
