Abbasiya Military Secondary School - An Analytical Archaeological Study (1343 AH / 1910 AD) - Green Street, off Mansha Square - Muharram Bey District

Document Type : Original Article


Egyptian Higher Institute for Tourism & Hotel


Abbas Helmy II mentioned in his memoirs, “I did not need long, and through the studies that I was happy to carry out and practice in all sectors that concern the future of the country, to understand that only the development and generalization of education can awaken the Egyptian people and allow them to know capabilities, and at the same time his duties.
In view of the interest of Khedive Abbas Helmy II in education during his reign, many educational facilities were built, including the establishment of many schools in Alexandria, including the Abbasid Military School in 1910 AD. 1908 AD, the Ahmadi Religious Institute was also built in Tanta and Damietta, and the study moved there after it was in the Ahmadi Mosque.
Abbas Helmy also mentioned in his memoirs that he liked to visit the schools that spread education in order to know the progress of the students and the clear adaptation of the teachers more and more, who were at the same time working on educating the people, but they were creating traditions for themselves.
Among the schools established by Khedive Abbas Helmy II in Alexandria is the Abbasiya Military School, and the Central Alexandria Educational Administration follows the system of a military school for outstanding students.
