The Personal Background of Edgard Gallad and his Career

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Helwan University


The research focuses on the personal background and career of the journalist of Levantine origin Edgard Gallad, born in 1900 in Alexandria, his father was a well-known jurist. Edgard was educated in Jesuit schools, then graduated with a law degree from Fouad I University. Gallad began his career as a lawyer in the Mixed Courts where he had little success. In 1923 he began to work in the French-language Journalism until he became editor-in-chief of the Liberté in 1936. Meanwhile, Gallad persuaded the British Embassy to provide him with funds to found the Journal d'Egypte. In return, he was to support British policy. In 1947, Gallad founded the afternoon Arabic Daily Al-Zaman, an Independent political organ. In 1948, he married journalist Lily Tabbaa, publisher of magazine Loisir. Gallad was for some years an unofficial political adviser to King Farouk, who seemed to appreciate his ideas on political matters and his ingenious suggestions for getting around difficulties. He exaggerated somehow in showing support for the July 1952 Revolution through his both newspapers. From his part, he maintained a good relationship with its men, but his role was limited only to the Press over time until his death in 1973.
