The effect of using Chat GPT technology as one of the applications of artificial intelligence in tourism education for students of tourism and hotels institutes by using task Technology fit model


Tourism Studies Department Alson Higher institute for tourism and Hotels


Artificial intelligence applications have increased recently, and are constantly developing every day. Among these applications is the Chat GPT technology, which relies on simulating the human mind in its thinking and data analysis. It is possible to talk to and chat with it as if it were a natural human being, thanks to its training on large-scale data. This data allows people to speak rationally and logically, and is able to give information and answer the questions they are asked. Chat GPT is the most important artificial intelligence tool that has spread recently, and this technology has raised many questions. Many people have recently begun trying to learn it and use it in their studies or work, as it is a tool of the near future. Since the emergence of this technology, it has been a subject of controversy among officials in the field of education, as many saw it as a tool for developing the educational process, facilitating many tasks, and assisting in development. While others saw it as a means of cheating and deception, and may threaten the integrity and honesty that must be present in the educational process. Accordingly, the research aims to study the extent of the impact of using Chat GPT technology as one of the applications of artificial intelligence in tourism education for students of tourism and hotel institutes by using Task technology fit model. In addition to learning about the nature of Chat GPT technology, its main features, and its latest releases, the study relies on the descriptive and analytical approach. The study sample consists of students from tourism and hotel institutes in Cairo Governorate, numbering (500) students. A questionnaire was designed for research based on the dimensions of the Task technology fit model. With tasks as a means of collecting the necessary data, it was distributed to the study sample and various statistical methods were used. The study reached a number of results, including that the use of Chat GPT technology as an artificial intelligence tool has a positive and strong impact on the performance of students in tourism education and that it is an effective and appropriate tool for example for use in education. Tourism for students of tourism and hotel institutes in Cairo Governorate. There is also a positive attitude and response towards the use of Chat GPT technology in tourism education by students of tourism and hotel institutes in Cairo Governorate.
