Corporate foresight as a mechanism for achieving entrepreneurial performance of airline: a case study of EgyptAir


1 The Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotels - El Seyouf – Alexandria.

2 Tourism Studies Department, Higher Institute of Tourism and Hotels, King Mariout - Alexandria, Egypt.; Hospitality and Tourism, Applied College, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia.


Corporate foresight is a scientific approach that relies on the existence of basic principles represented by a comprehensive understanding of foresight of the future and its challenges and education about the tools and methods used in it in order to generate cognitive future viewpoints. Therefore, the goal of the study is to determine how corporate foresight and EgyptAir's entrepreneurial performance relate to one another and to assess how corporate foresight might affect the company's ability to achieve its entrepreneurial performance. The study employed a deductive methodology, utilizing fundamental theories and concepts to confirm the correlations among the research variables and evaluate hypotheses in order to derive the findings. To achieve the objectives of the research in the field, an electronic questionnaire was designed to be distributed to employees of EgyptAir in the Cairo and Giza governorates. The data obtained was analyzed statistically using the SPSS V28 program. The results of the research revealed that the level of EgyptAir’s application of the dimensions of corporate foresight, and entrepreneurial performance were at a high degree. There is a positive correlation and significant regression for the dimensions of corporate foresight in achieving the company's entrepreneurial performance. According to the research findings, EgyptAir should strengthen its corporate culture of foresight, encourage employees to think ahead and feel free to share their ideas and forecast the future, and push upper management to foster an environment where failure is seen as a chance to grow rather than a setback, which fosters risk-taking and entrepreneurial behavior.
