E-Training Modules: ‌Enhancing the Competencies of Tourist Guidance Graduates to Overcome the Career Challenges

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Studies Department-Pharoahs High Inistitute for Tourism and Hotels

2 Tourism Guidance Department- Pharoahs High Inistitute for Tourism and Hotels


E-Training refers to the use of multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the education quality, as well as, to enhance trainee performance in its career and to create a productive workforce. The research aims to improve the skills of tourist guidance graduates (TGGs) during their academic studies. This paper presents innovative electronic training modules (IETMs) that create a comprehensive tour guide (CTG) has various skills (ex: intellectual, professional and general) to prepare them for employment in several domain. These IETMs make tourist guidance graduates can face the career challenges as replacing tour guides with new applications in the archeological sites, a long-life learning as self-motivated, self-initiated and self-confidence and target a high-level of customer satisfaction. 
This research was conducted of a convenient sample of graduates from the tourist guidance department of the faculty of tourism and hotels, Fayoum University, as well, executive managers in tourism enterprises. This study adopted the exploratory quantitative research strategy, utilizing an online questionnaire to identify the role of e-training in enhancing the competencies of tourist guidance graduates. Consequently, the research results showed that the (TGGs) have knowledge of tourist guidance in a wide range but they have a shortage in their skills, such as communication skills, leadership skills, time management, problem solving, crisis management. which faces them to obtain job in their career or to develop their performance in work field. On the other hand, the results presented that the electronic training modules enhance TGGs performance, improves their technical and professional skills, leads to competitive competence of graduates which help them to overcome the challenges in their work field.
