The Effect of Presenteeism on Job Engagement in Hotels: The Mediating Role of Job Stress

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hotel Management Department, Pharaohs Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotels, Egypt.

2 Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City, Sadat City, Egypt.

3 Hotel Management Department, Alson Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Management, Egypt


This study aimed to investigate how presenteeism affects job engagement through job stress. To attain this goal, 388 responses were collected from five-star hotel employees in Egypt. Data was then analyzed with the PLS-SEM approach by WarpPLS software. The findings showed that presenteeism negatively affects job engagement, and positively affects job stress. Also, job engagement is negatively affected by job stress. Furthermore, job stress was found to mediate the relationship between presenteeism and job engagement. Theoretically, our findings expand our understanding of the extent to which presenteeism engenders detrimental workplace outcomes in terms of high job stress and low job engagement. The study also helps to construct the absent body of literature on presenteeism in the Egyptian cultural context. Practically, the current study provides hotel establishments with thoughts on how the negative consequences of presenteeism can be eliminated in the workplace environment.
