The Relationship Between Psychological Hardiness and The Performance of Travel Agencies Employees


Tourism Studies Department – Faculty of tourism and Hotels – University of Sadat City


The psychological hardiness of workers in the tourism sector has it’s importance because work in the tourism sector is affected by economic, political and health conditions, and the nature of the work leads to a lot of pressures that act as a psychological burden on the worker in terms of long and seasonal working hours (irregular work). The study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological hardiness and the performance of travel agencies employees Category )A (in Cairo Governorate . To achieve the objectives of the study; A survey form was designed and distributed electronically to a random sample of employees in various departments in travel agencies Category )A( in Cairo Governorate. The link to the form was sent to 444 employees in travel agencies Category (A) in Cairo Governorate. Only 383 questionnaires were valid for analysis. And was used Validity and reliability tests, descriptive analysis of study data, and Spearman’s correlation coefficient . The results of the study showed that there is a strong positive relationship between psychological hardiness and the performance of Egyptian travel agencies employees, which indicates that the greater the psychological hardiness of travel agencies employees , the more this will reflect positively on their performance and lead to its increase. One of the most important recommendations of the study is designing training programs and workshops for employees of tourism companies to enhance their psychological toughness to have an impact on improving their performance.
