Military and combat strategies of Muslims in Islamic sources from (2 AH - 658 AH) (624 AD - 1260 AD)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Tourism guidance – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Matrouh University


The research dealt with war strategies in the Islamic era, from the Battle of Badr until the Battle of Ain Jalut, and the techniques and strategies that Muslims used in their wars against their enemies - according to the capabilities of each army and its position in that period - after talking about the causes and reasons for the war, and its type: was it a defensive war, or an offensive one? Or proactive, or was it for deterrence, and the tactical methods behind which they aimed to spread terror in the hearts of enemies and weaken their hearts and resolve, such as Al-Sawaif and Al-Shawati, and monitoring. With references to the most important Islamic military principles, such as obedience to the leader, and shura, the foundations of which the Messenger, PBUH, laid down, And the importance of intelligence, eyes, and spies whom they carefully selected, who were highly competent and intelligent, then the code, its foundations, and its science, the principles of which are still effective until now. In addition to the element of secrecy that guarantees the success of military operations and how they carefully chose the battle site, after... Careful study of the nature of the land, water sources, and roads, and choosing the appropriate time for the battle - just as they chose the place - and following the Sunnah of the Messenger, PBUH, who, if he did not fight at the beginning of the day, would delay the fighting until the sun went down and the winds blew. In addition to an important element, it is the combat formations for which they devoted a stand-alone science, which they called (the science of military tactics), and how those formations developed, from the fight-and-run system to the echelon system, and the five element system consisting of the core, the starboard, the left, the front, and the rear.) Al-Saqa), and the Kurdos system that Khalid bin Al-Walid used in the Battle of Yarmouk, and continued after him - like other aforementioned form until now. And last - but not least - exploiting the element of surprise to ensure victory after confusing the enemy, encirclement, siege, pursuit, and calculated tactical withdrawal when the army faces an imminent danger that it cannot confront, as in the Battle of the Bridge, using ambushes and psychological warfare to weaken the enemy’s morale, etc. This is one of the methods that leaders resorted to to ensure victory or to preserve and protect the army.
