Transporting Artifacts: The Journey of the Treasures of Tutankhamun to the USA in 1976

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Tourism Guidance – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - University of Sadat City


When the US Government concluded an agreement with the Egyptian Government in 1975 regarding the “Treasures of Tutankhamun” exhibition to be displayed in six American cities in 1976-1979, it was necessary to think about the transfer of the artifacts from Egypt to the USA. The transportation process of the artifacts was an intricate process which included different procedures in Cairo and in Washington. This paper examines the transportation procedures starting from the packing of works of art in the Egyptian Museum, writing condition reports for each object, shipping them through the US Navy, and receiving the artifacts in the National Gallery of Art in Washington to be unpacked and to begin their tour in the USA for about three years. This article investigates many of the relevant documents which are archived in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives in New York.
