The Artificial Intelligence Revolution and Cultural Heritage: Developing museum display techniques as a model

Document Type : Original Article


Greek and Roman Archeology, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University Cataloger, Thesis unit, Library Sector, Bibliotheca Alexandrina


The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into cultural heritage institutions has revolutionized the way we preserve, interpret and display heritage. This paper explores AI transformations in the context of cultural heritage, with a particular focus on its application in the museum sector, by leveraging AI-based innovations in museum display, enhancing visitor experiences, improving accessibility, and preserving and interpreting artifacts.
The research deals with various aspects of the development of museum display techniques that are powered by artificial intelligence. It delves into AI-assisted artifact analysis and preservation technologies, and explores how AI algorithms can aid in the analysis, documentation, and preservation of cultural artifacts. Through image recognition, material analysis, and digital restoration, AI can provide valuable insights into the composition, condition, and historical context of artifacts, enabling better practices in documentation and preservation. Moreover, the research deals with the integration of artificial intelligence technologies into museum display systems to create interactive exhibits in which virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications play an important role in enhancing visitor engagement, and providing storytelling that creates an enjoyable educational experience for visitors. Ultimately, this paper contributes to understanding the AI revolution by developing AI-assisted museum display technologies, whereby cultural heritage institutions can create immersive and personalized experiences for visitors.
