Assessment of the Management of Social Media Content of the Egyptian Tourism Authority Using Key Performance Indicators

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Specialist in Egyptian Tourism Authority

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


Social media content management has been one of the biggest challenges that organizations face. Content marketing management is a digital way to manage the marketing message to the online audience, and this necessarily requires having a clear online strategy to define the smart objectives, the action plans, the tasks, and the key performance indicators framework. This research examines the assessment of Egyptian Tourism Authority social media content management by using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The collecting data of this research is gathered from ETA's social media platforms (Facebook page insights, Twitter Analytics, Instagram, and YouTube Analytics), comparing those social media platforms with some of ETA's competitors, and distributing 35 questionnaire forms on a sample of the ETA's official. The KPIs framework which is used in this research consists of five stages: Expose, Attract, Engage, Retain, and finally Influence. The results of this study have been presented according to those both approaches; content analysis and Netnography research. Those results demonstrate that ETA did not have an online strategy, smart objectives, and a KPI framework to measure its social media performance. Furthermore, there is a lack of the ETA's officials' awareness level about KPIs and social media content management.
