The Damages to the British Official Posts in the Middle East and North Africa Arising out of the Arab-Israeli War in 1967

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Sadat City


On 5 June 1967, Israel attacked the Arab states of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan through extensive airstrikes which crippled the air forces of the three Arab states. Nasser declared in his resignation speech “Israel was lying on something more than his normal strength to protect his skies from any retaliation from us.” Based on what the British did in 1917, the Balfour Declaration, and in the Suez Crisis of 1956, when they aligned with Israel, the Arabs believed that Britain continued in supporting Israel in the war of 1967. Following the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, the British came under violent and persistent propaganda attacks from main Arab countries. Anti-British demonstrations and riots erupted throughout North Africa and the Middle East, the consequences were severe; many British official posts in the Arab countries were attacked by masses, these attacks resulted in different damages in those official posts. The problems arising out of the 1967 war such as the closing of the Suez Canal, the blocking of the British ships, the detention of their cargoes, and other related matters are dealt with by many research papers. This research is dealing only with damages to the British official posts including the embassies, consulates, commercial and cultural centers, and employees’ houses as a result of civil agitation, riots, and public disturbances following the Israeli-Arab War in June 1967. This article depends on its narratives on primary sources represented in immediate first-hand accounts of the reports, letters, and notes related to the damages arising out of the Middle East Crisis of 1967. These documents are archived in the National Archives of the United Kingdom in London and many of them were unpublished. This study relies on the historical and analytical research methods through interpretation and criticizing the relevant sources and presumption of events.
