Sources of Water Supply in the Sinai and the Eastern Desert during the Greek and Roman Eras

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Guidance Department- Faculty of Tourism and Hotels -Fayoum University

2 Faculty of Archeology-Cairo University


   This research sheds light on the sources of industrial water supply in Sinai and the eastern desert, which were available in many areas such as  Tell Al-Farma, Tarfat Al-Saqr, Tal Al-Hir, Harabat Um Ashtan, Harabat Al-Jahiliya, Wadi Grandel, Wadi Ferran, and Wadi Degla, during the Greek and Roman peroid. The sources of water in Sinai and the eastern desert was various, such as canals, reservoirs, wells, cisterns, and located in many places on the land of Sinai and the eastern desert during the Greco-Roman era. A descriptive historical study is used to document, interpret and analyze the historical facts of the industrial facilities related to supplies in Sinai and the related chronological development, These areas were dealt with by archaeologists. the study relied on many sources, including research and published articles.
