The Ramses Hilton Hotel in Cairo: The Construction History of a Dramatic Symbol of Contemporary Cairo (1974-1982)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Tourism Guidance – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - University of Sadat City


The Ramses Hilton Hotel is a substantial symbol of tourism and hospitality industry in modern Egypt. This Hotel should not only function as a luxury accommodation facility, but also as a local attraction because of its historic importance and outstanding architecture. Despite its publicity, the history of the Ramses Hilton Hotel has received scant attention, and there is a lack of valid framework to document its historical significance. This study explores the Hotel’s history in a specific time frame from its schematic design in 1974 to its opening in the early beginning of 1982. This article focuses withing the given time frame on the work of Hilton International Corporation in Egypt, the Ramses Hilton Hotel’s design, its architectural description, interior design, and its luxury facilities. The paper depends mainly on studying primary sources represented in relative historical documents which are at Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library Drawings and Archives, Columbia University, New York.
